13 days of greatness Musings

The 13 Days of Greatness

Let’s have some fun to help get through summer and the return to quarantine!

Conjure is six months old now, and to celebrate, I wanted to offer this 13-day challenge: the 13 Days of Greatness. We could all use some greatness right about now, eh?

Quarantine, for me, has reaffirmed that it’s the little things that make us great, or that can lead us into greatness. So, let’s celebrate that concept with a fun 13-day challenge that celebrates the little things in life. And at the end, I hope you feel great. And that you have a sense of accomplishment, because who doesn’t enjoy that?

If you want to join in, just add your name and email below. I’ll send you a new challenge item every day for 13 days – something that might make your day better, help you feel more put together or just something that will make you laugh. If you want to do the 13 Days of Greatness Challenge with a friend, encourage them to sign up!

Fun fact: did you know there are 13 full moons in a year? It’s traditionally a time where things are illuminated and life is shown to you as it is. People often say things are crazy around this time or people are acting strange because of the full moon, but I believe it’s because they feel the moon’s energy stronger on these days and aren’t used to it, so they act out a little. Kind of like a child who doesn’t understand why something is happening to them.

Anyway, enough of my theories. I hope you join in the fun. I love challenges and would love to hear about what you’re up to this month. Let’s have some fun together!

Join the 13 Days of Greatness Challenge here.

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