December is here, and while your plans may include decking the halls and sipping holiday cocktails at home, Conjure is here to help make the season merry with ideas for things to do in December 2020. Use this list when you’re looking for something to do or feeling in need of a holiday spirit push.
Think November is the only month you can start a gratitude list? Think again.
For those of you feeling a little extra depressed this year because of the pandemic, I suggest giving this one a go. It doesn’t have to be super involved – just grab a notebook, your laptop, or a piece of paper. Write the date and a sentence or two about something you’re grateful for. That’s it.
I’ve never put much stock into a gratitude journal or list until recently. I consider myself to be fairly thankful on a regular basis so I didn’t see much need for one. But after reading an article about them for my day job, I figured I’d start a gratitude journal and see what happened, and it helped my mindset quite a bit. I did, indeed, feel more grateful, and my mood improved greatly. I haven’t done it every day, but I have written about what I’m grateful for most days, and it really, truly has helped pull me out of an enormous funk.

Schedule a Zoom call or Facetime with someone you haven’t seen recently because of the pandemic.
If the holidays have you down or the pandemic is getting to you (who isn’t it getting to?) I highly suggest scheduling a Facetime call with a family member or friend you haven’t seen in a while because of the distance. Have a holiday happy hour or virtual game night together. Maybe watch a TV show or live stream a concert. Connection is important, and seeing someone you haven’t in a while could greatly lift your spirits.
November was a hard month for me mentally. Some of you may have noticed Conjure went dark for a few weeks, and that was a result of that. I just felt like I needed a break in general. But something I knew I was missing was connection with those I love. A couple virtual visits later, and I see how positively this can bridge the gap in connection we’re all feeling.
Make a delicious holiday cocktail at home.
No need to go out to a bar and pass around cooties this year. Stay safe and save a few bucks in the long run by making your own favorite holiday cocktail in the comfort of your home in your jammies. Pick a drink you love and find a good, solid recipe. Purchase the ingredients and get to mixing. It will feel special, especially if it’s something you’ve never made at home, and it pairs nicely with the afore-mentioned tip of having virtual visits this season.
P.S. – Bonus points for a Jack Daniels cocktail. 🙂

Do something unexpected for a loved one.
‘Tis the season of giving, so why not send a little surprise to someone you love? It doesn’t have to be much, but we’re all struggling in one way or the other right now. Doing something kind for another will make you feel good, and make that person feel special. Ideas include sending a hand-written note or card, sending a small gift that makes you think of them, or sending them an edible treat such as a cookie delivery or fresh juice, depending on their personal tastes. Or just place a flower on their doorstep then call them and tell them to open the door.
Reevaluate your 2020 goals and see if you can achieve one or two more this month.
December is a time, in my mind, for wrapping up yearly goals and reviewing what steps you took to achieve them during the year. If there are still some outliers, there’s no time like the present to work on them. Even if you won’t necessarily finish by the new year, the effort you put in now will get you that much closer. One caveat to this, however, is the pandemic. If you set a goal that was directly affected by the pandemic, perhaps consider how to reframe the goal to make it workable or achievable in our current world. You can always tweak it again when the time is right.
Start a new craft or learn one.
Is there a craft or hands-on creative project you enjoy? Maybe you make furniture or garden. Or maybe you paint or write music. Whatever your creative outlet is, start a project this month. If you’re fast, you could give it as a holiday gift. If you’re making it for personal use, that’s great too. Creativity feels wonderful and when you’re finished creating something you feel so accomplished. I recently completed a knitting project I’d worked on for a long time off and on, and it felt wonderful. This yellow baby blanket was a labor of love for me, and I’m proud of what I created. Now I need to start another!